Cover of  Bláth na dTulach

Bláth na dTulach


Ulster anthology

The new book Bláth na dTulach, a collection of short stories by Ulster contemporary writers will be launched shortly.

Stories by writers from all corners of the province of Ulster, with a wide range of styles, subjects and themes, gathered together by editor Réaltán Ní Leannáin.

Cover of the book Bláth na dTulach

“It’s been a long time since a collection of short stories like this came from the province of Ulsters and we are delighted to welcome one now” wrote the professor Lillis Ó Laoire in the introduction to the book

In the stories gathered here, we see writers from the Gaeltacht and the city on the same platform and it’s a great encouragement to us this type of publication. 28 stories from the same number of writers, and I don’t mind saying that it is this variety that is one the most interesting features I notice in them

The book will be launched in the gCultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich on the 23 of October 2021 at 1pm and some of the writers will be present to give us a taste of the stories to be found in the book and the other aspects of this project

At the event we will also launch the website where the text of the stories will be published in an easy to read format which will be a great resource for students, teachers and readers of all types.

As well as the book and the website, there will be a new podcast coming from the project by the name of Bláth na dTulach presented by Réaltán Ní Leannáin who will invite different readers to read a story from the anthology and share their thoughts on the story in a short conversation with Réaltán after the reading. The first episode of the podcast will be broadcast on Saturday 23rd October and each month thereafter. The podcast will be available on and all the usual podcast platforms like Spotify, ITunes etc

Réaltán Ní Leannáin, Eoghan Mac Giolla Bhríde and Mícheál Ó Domhnail are the editors of the anthology. Caomhán Ó Scolaí has designed the cover the layout, and the preface of the book has been written by Réaltán Ní Leannáin.

These are the writers in alphabetical order: Antain Mac Lochlainn, Brighid Ní Mhonacháin, Celia de Fréine, Daithí Ó Muirí, Danny Brown, Deirdre Ní Grianna, Dubhán Ó Longáin, Eithne Ní Ghallchobhair, Eoghan Mac Giolla Bhríde, Gabhán Ó Fachtna, Iarla Mac Aodha Bhuí, Máire Burns, Máire Dinny Wren, Máire Zepf, Máirín Uí Fhearraigh, Michelle Nic Pháidín, Pádraig Ó Gallchobhair, Proinsias Mac a’ Bhaird, Réaltán Ní Leannáin, Réamonn Ó Ciaráin, Róise Ní Baoill, Sam Ó Fearraigh, Séamus Mac Annaidh, Seán Mac Gintidh, Seán Ó Dúrois, Seán Ó Muireagáin, Seanán Mac Aoidh and Síle Uí Ghallchóir.

We are very grateful to Foras na Gaeilge who gave financial support to the book and to the department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and the Media for their support under the 2021 Cross border cultural projects scheme.

Tá muid buíoch chomh maith do Chultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich atá ag obair linn leis an ócáid sheolta a chur i láthair. Buíochas le Brónagh Fusco agus Gráinne Ní Ghillín. We are very grateful as well to the Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich who are working with us to produce a launch event. Thanks to Brónagh Fusco and Gráinne Ní Ghillín

Overall there is a wide ranging variety of stories in this collection. This reader was surprised by the extent of the variety. It’s a good indication of the state of Ulster writing at this time of the century. It will be enthusiastically read by those interested in literature. Lillis Ó Laoire

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