Caitlín Nic Niallais

Caitlín Nic Niallais is originally from Ard na gCeapairí in Gaoth Dobhair. She went to primary school in Doirí Beaga and then to secondary school in Pobalscoil Gaoth Dobhair. She spent five years volunteering at the magazine Comhar and spent a period of time on the board of Gael Linn. She spent 10 years teaching in Gaelscoil Santain in Tallaght, a gaelscoil that was founded by the writer and poet Caitlín Maude. Caitlín spent two years as a director and teacher at the Crannóg a centre of language development founded by the Comharchumann Forbartha Ghaoth Dobhair in 1993. Caitlín did her Masters degree in Irish in UCD under the direction of the professor Bhreandáin Uí Bhuachalla, compiling and researching the material collected from the famous storyteller Mací Sheán Néill. She can remember Micí telling stories in the Theater during the Oireachtas and Éigsí in the eighties and her parents used to take her to Bídí, Micí and Bríd Anna’s house in the area where Micí himself was storytelling. Caitlín is currently a teacher in the Gaelscoil Lios na nÓg in Ranelagh.

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