Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh

Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh is a native of Kerry. She obtained a degree in Irish and French from University of Ireland, Galway. She spent time teaching in Bordeaux and in Lehman College New York on a Fulbright scholarship. She holds a doctorate degree from University of Ireland Galway. The Arts Council awarded Ailbhe bursaries to Ailbhe in 2008, 2015, and 2021. Coiscéim published Péacadh (2008) and Tost agus Allagar (2016). During the Scottish Poets Tour of 2021 she was awarded the Corn and Chornéil Eoghan Ó Néill for her poem ‘Deireadh na Feide’. The award recognises newly composed poems in Gaelic and Irish. ‘Filleadh ar an gCathair’ was chosen as the EU Presidency Poem in 2013. The same poem was nominated for the RTE ‘A Poem for Ireland’. Tost agus Allagar earned the Michael Hartnett award in 2019. The Coast Road is the title of a bilingual collection published by Gallery Press which contains translations by well-known English poets. Cois Life published Dánta Andrée Chedid as part of the series ‘File ar Fhile’ in 2019. She was awarded the Lawrence O’Shaughnessy Prize in 2020. Éabhlóid published the poetry collection Tonn Teaspaigh agus Dánta Eile in 2022. Her website can be found here.

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