Go mBeinnse Choíche Saor: Review


Go mbeinnse choíche saor

There are 15 short stories in this new collection from the writer Máire Dinny Wren; stories that have a lot of believable characters in interesting situations. It’s interesting that all the main characters are strong women, women who strive to overcome the many challenges that society might impose on them.

These are contempoary stories, that deal with pressing current issues. Serious stories are not shied away from but the truth is often revealed in poetic subtle ways.

In one story we meet a young woman on her way home from an abortion clinic. Elsewehre we meet a woman battling cancer making a wishlist of things she’d like to do before she leaves us. Another character who wants her daughter to get to know her father before she leaves for Australia. And another woman is lonely for her emigrant children. There are fresh looks at stories that come from folklore and mythology.
There are short fiction stories, which are a metaphor for modern life; people evicted from their homes..

Máire Dinny Wren explores different themes in these new stories: nostalgia, rural isolation and loneliness, friendship, death, despair, a desire to break social constraints and family pressure, and greed and abuse of women. They are major themes that need to be explored in contemporary Irish language writing. In her stories Mary expresses the conflict in the human mind, the conflict between man and society and the conflict in families; in her writing she discusses the destiny and free will of man and gives us a better understanding of the attitude of the individual in today’s world. And she does all this quietly artistically.

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